My experience so far... I Love it! I run smooth and easy mornings, I get to class prepared and I have time left for emergencies... you know, there's always that dog that crosses your path right when you're running late or that red light that takes a day and a half to turn green! (OK maybe just 2 or 3 minutes) but that's how it feels don't it? Plus you get to class before the professor starts lecturing, and you get to pick your fav seat (I have favorite seats by the way) it's as if things calmly fall into place especially since you have a clear mind. Another plus, you get time to have a brief chat with friends you see on the way and well I could go on an on about how being on-time is sooooo important but I would never end this blog. It's one of those things that defines who you are, it say a lot about you and well, who doesn't want good things to be said about them right? So lesson of life: always be on-time (or before) ;) and make it a habit as well, one that you will never want to break! On an end note I hope you all have a wonderful semester and are as excited as I am about school! We have to get though it any way right?? Might as well make the best out of it and become enthusiastic about school as much as we can, after all, it's for our own good right! ;)