Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aliens will come to eat your couch as you sleep!?!?

Hello Everyone! It is Thursday and I couldn't be more excited for the weekend. Yes, I know we only had a four day work week, but I cannot wait to get back to that "winter break'esque" mood the weekend brings! I can't really be blamed for not being completely ready to jump back into school and work; after all, it's only been a week. But it will happen. You can't rush it.

So yesterday, I was with a few friends just "studying" when the topic of aliens randomly came up. We talked a little about it, but then realized the overwhelming possibility of alien beings existing in the universe. The question is, are they really what we think they are? Do the fly around at light-speed in their saucer-shaped aircraft's? And have they actually visited us before? Who knows.... I'm always really suspicious of the government, but still not convinced that all the "sightings" over the years are legit. I guess I need some solidified evidence to really believe alien aircraft's have visited our planet.

I always think that I'm part of the lucky generation that will be here when the aliens attack us. I just know it. And if not the aliens, it'll be North Korea.

But getting away from this strange topic, I realize that sleep is possibly the most important thing in my life right now. I know it's pretty sad, but it's true.

OH, so I really wanted to talk about this today and I just remembered. Has anyone seen that show called Strange Addictions? Well I was watching it yesterday and there was this woman who was addicted to eating couch cushion! She would literally cut off pieces of her couch, put in her purse, and snack on it all day. She had been doing this for 25 years! Now I don't mean to make fun of her or anything, but you're kinda putting yourself out there when you decide to go on national television with something weird like that. At the end of the show it said she was admitted to the hospital for extreme stomach pains, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest bit.

Well I'm pretty sure after that, there really isn't much more to say. So get some sleep, keep your eyes pealed for UFOs, and avoid eating your sofa.


                                               MMMmmmmm... Couch Cushion!

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