Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Peace. Love and Lol from the Pinoy!

Hey Fellow Aggies!

As always, there are a lot things going through my head. As paranoid as I am or get, I try to think that its just me overreacting. Nonetheless, it happens. There are some things in life where you push on and just grind through it because you know what lies at the end. A good example is graduation- which took me almost 6 years and I am pretty sure it is safe to say that I have 3 weeks left of undergrad life. It's been a roller coaster of a semester and a challenge dealing with "senioritis" the whole time. Carley was right about "the feeling of potential relief that the semester will end soon is actually dwindling. " But I may have to add about my nervousness of the event. 

So what’s going on? Well I am expecting to march with a diploma and a big invisible “officially unemployed” sign on my head but there are reasons for that (travel, a little break and time to prep for grad school). So, no fret, unemployment is just temporary. And I have a ton of plans that I will fight for, for it to push through. This won't be the last time "y'all" here from me. 

It has been awhile since I last blogged, nonetheless, it is always great when given the opportunity. On the other hand, this may be the last time. So this should be good, right? In all honesty this was always fun and a pleasure to do. Meeting and touring people was always an adventure. And I can't forget the people in the office! So, a quick update since New Student Registration is coming up and I am hoping upcoming Aggies will read this and I am pretty sure you guys want to be highly involved! I would highly recommend being an Ambassador. No regrets whatsoever. So for the current Aggies, hang in! Summer is near! And for the upcoming ones, we cannot wait to have you guys! 

Anyways, its been a pleasure! 

Go Aggies!

-Aggie Albert

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