Monday, September 12, 2011

Finding your beauty

Do you ever wake up, look out your front door, and get blown away by the beauty around you? Las Cruces may not be surrounded by a turquoise ocean, snow capped alps, or a jungle full or exotic flowers and animals of every color, but the essence of Las Cruces' beauty is so much better. From my front porch, I look to the South and there are green alfalfa fields as far as the eye can see; to the East a burst of sunlight emmerging from behind the rugged Organs; to the North and the West I see the Rio Grande winding through the Valley.  Any person from the Mesilla Valley area can contest to these beauties, but the beauty I experience on a daily basis is slightly different.
 In the green fields surrounding my house, I do not just see grass and hay reflecting life and giving the surrounding desert  a splash of color, but I see a herd of horses. These horses are not just any ol run of the mill horses, but they are "MY" Beauty. Each morning these mares, along with there babies, graze out in the pastures. They are not running, jumping, or doing anything extraordinary, they are simply eating. But their grace and power is enough to display every aspect of their beauty. Granted I am an avid horse lover, it never gets old to walk out and watch them in the early morning light, and appreciate the beauty I get to witness every day. If you are new to the area, I encourage you to explore and find "Your" beauty, so every morning you can wake up to at least one thing and be thankful for finding it!

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