Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh the Things That Make a Day Truly Amazing

HELLOOOOO AGGIES!!!!!  Guess who’s back back again Hannah’s back tell a friend! :D I finally get my chance to blog for the first time this year, and am totally stoked to finally be able to send out my little pieces of knowledge out into the great unknown of cyberworld!  I hope this blog finds you doing well this semester and rockin it for sure! A little bit about my semester so far…It’s really really REALLY tough. I’m in the hardest part of my core curriculum classes and once I get done it will be all downhill from there, so as of right now I can see a tiny speck of light at the end of the tunnel.  Anyways NOW time for my story and knowledge for the day…today I was walking back to my truck from my two Monday classes to head to work and this random girl I had seen walking toward Gerald Thomas in the distance looks at me in passing and says “You have really pretty hair!” Now normally people would find this random and kind of creepy, BUT I found it really uplifting seeing how when actually doing my hair this morning I didn’t really think it worked out. I looked back at her with a huge smile and said “THANKS! J” You really have to understand where I come from to understand that a little thing like smiling at someone can truly change their outlook on the day ahead. Yes, I am one of those people who wakes up in a good mood almost every day as well as I try to smile at anyone I see or make eye contact with. Because you never know when that smile you had can be given to another person with a frown. So this goes out to the girl who made my day this morning.  It’s those small things that can truly make a regular Monday into a day that leaves you smiling. Now I challenge the rest of Aggie Country to brighten someone else’s day so smile at people, or give a helping hand to someone who drops their notebooks, or in my case give a compliment to someone you don’t know. Everyone needs something to make their day better. Hope you all had a great Monday!


Aggie Girl Hannah

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