Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

Well it's Tuesday people. Normally I would say there is only 3 more days left until the weekend, but I am fully enjoying this week, even if it kills me...
and it might....

Last night, my (unnamed) professor  decided to post homework at 7pm and make it due by 11:59pm that same day. So I spent the remainder of my night sitting on the couch doing homework, listening to the radio, watching Jersey Shore (No Judgement) muted. Oh it was fun, let me tell you.

But today should be better! I'm going swimming after work, then back to my apartment with my friend Barb to make a playlist for tomorrow's radio show. I guess I should study for my 3 exams tomorrow too.....

So yesterday, my friends and I had some very interesting conversations. In short, we lost hope in society as a whole. I must say we had good reason to think this way. But instead of going any further into detail, I want to say that bad experiences should never allow you to judge others in the future. Yes, it is easy to think everyone acts the same and that life is against you, but it's not true. People are inherently good, but sometimes they choose not to be, and they have to tell themselves everyday that they are doing the right thing until they finally convince themselves they are. These are the people to avoid in life. You cannot be happy when your life is nothing more than shallow desires and a fake personality. I wish I could say that people do grow up eventually, but some people never do. They will continue to hurt others for their own selfish wants. But you have to be strong enough to stand up to these people, or simply shut them out of your life altogether because nothing positive can come from them. A real person will never act like nothing is wrong, but will apologize and have the selfless pride to say sorry.

So that wasn't short at all... but it had to be said.

I guess this is what college is all about.



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